Cris Rose Blows My Mind! (June 5, 2009)

Cris Rose is definitely one of my favorite artists. His style is just amazing! Lately he's been making resin robots with nature on their minds and I'm loving them. They're fantastic! His latest robot is "The Wandering Memorial". By the year 2138, over population of the planet meant that a much greater number of people needed to fit in the same space. With the cities overcrowded, one of the first things to disappear was England's graveyards. So it was that the Wandering Memorial was created. Two metric tones of prime English soil encased in an autonomous walking robot. The Wandering Memorial would slowly walk from one city to another and anyone that wanted to morn need only wait for it to visit their area, and one by one they would be lifted up by it's arms and deposited into it's climate controlled dome." Read more Here.
When I envision this world filled with Wandering Memorials, I hear Sigur Ros' song Untitled #1 (Vaka) playing in the background.

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